About Me
I learned to play the guitar and sing from an early age but it wasn’t until a cross roads in my later life that I began to take song writing and performing more seriously. Since then l have performed in pubs, clubs, schools, community events and organisations over the last few years and have had some of my songs on radio.
My philosophy has initially been to set the cat amongst the ‘pigeons’ by challenging what I believe are the cultural myths that have sway in our society but all too often leave people ‘running on empty’.
As I continue to mature as a musician, I have been leaning towards writing songs of hope particularly in this COVID19 new normal landscape and the impact it has had on our freedoms and independence. There have definitely been some minuses but also some plusses. More time at home with family and discovering our own back yard to mention some. And to be still and reflect on the more important things of life.
I have had a wide experience of life having started out as an engineer, then pastoral work, and environmental management. Currently I am a teacher of mathematics and therefore engage with young people, their interests, their concerns and passions. Some of which is the inspiration in my songs. I have also written maths songs – yes people have been asking me about them. My aim is to get these on to my You Tube channel – watch this space.
I have lived in Tasmania, the Snowy River Mountains and overseas, as well as, growing up in a major city. This has helped broaden my perspective of the experiences of people and informs my reflections.
I hope you enjoy how I have put that to music.

Here is the link for my YouTube Channel
Be sure to like any of the live video recordings